drappelmann.nd@gmail.com 905.827.7696
Canadian Naturopathic Cancer Clinic
Cancer is an extremely complex process. Although the basic principle of cancer development and progression is similar from cancer to cancer, each cancer in of itself is a unique condition. Because of this every type of cancer needs to be approached in it’s own way. And you would probably agree that every person is unique as well. Not only can different things lead to the development of a particular type of cancer in different people (consider genetics playing a role in one person, diet in another, lifestyle in another, mental emotional health in another, toxin exposure, exposure to stress – the list goes on and on) but cancer doesn’t usually happen in isolation either! Different people with the same cancer diagnosis may be on different oncology protocols, they may have different concurrent health concerns to be considered, they may be on different pharmaceutical medications, they may be in a different place emotionally. All of these things need to be considered. You are an individual, and your treatment should be individualized to your particular needs in order to achieve your best health!
At the Canadian Naturopathic Cancer Clinic in Oakville Ontario you are viewed as a unique individual. Following a thorough health history, a review of all current and past therapies/medications, a review of all current health concerns, a review of relevant medical lab reports, a physical exam and time to get to know you, a plan of care is tailored to your unique needs to support you through your cancer journey.
And remember just because something is said to be “good for cancer” doesn’t mean it’s necessarily good for you or your needs, and just because it’s ‘natural’ doesn’t mean that it’s ‘safe’. With so many variables to consider in an individual’s health, especially if you are working with medical oncology treatments such as chemotherapy, targeted therapies and/or radiation, safety should be at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Making sure recommendations for your care will be safe for your particular situation is one of the core principles at the Canadian Naturopathic Cancer Clinic.
The goal of the Canadian Naturopathic Cancer Clinic in Oakville Ontario is not only to help provide the tools for incorporating complementary medicine into your cancer journey in a safe manner, but also to assist you in feeling empowered in your own health. By playing an active role in your own care, you already take steps in improving your health. Another part of this is education. Helping you to understand your particular type of cancer, understand different treatment options, and to understand what your lab results mean. Ultimately the role of a doctor should be as a teacher for his or her patients.
And there you have the founding principles of Naturopathic Medicine
-Do no harm to the patient
-Utilize the healing power of Nature
-Identify and treat the cause of illness
-Treat the whole person with individualized care
-The role of the doctor as a teacher for patients
Whether for the prevention of cancer, for the adjunctive care of individuals going through a cancer diagnosis or for helping patients navigate their health once medical oncology treatments have stopped, the Canadian Naturopathic Cancer Clinic in Oakville Ontario can help. With experience and with compassion.